◎名 称:Legacy3.11 The Power of art and creativity from 3.11, Japan Past, Present, and Future
◎日 時:2024年9月16日 17:00オープン
9月17日〜10月12日は11時〜20時(金・土は22時まで) 水曜定休
◎場 所:ファブリカ・デル・ヴァポーレ(ミラノ市)内 Ex Cisterne
Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4, 20154 Milano MI, Italy
◎料 金:入場無料
◎主 催:Legacy3.11実行委員会
◎キュレーション:Nippon AWAKES
◎コーディネーター:Guido Ferilli
◎特別協力:おれたちの伝承館 Special Cooperation: Our Museum-Oretachino Densyokan
center for remembering 3.11 (sendai mediatheque)
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum
◎サポーター Special Thanks
for the sake of future generations
Legacy 3.11 was formed with artists that Nippon AWAKES met through struggles after the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tohoku disaster that happened on March 11th, 2011. It was an immensely devastating event; people were depressed and upset. However, amidst the despair, some individuals chose to view the situation with optimism, seeking ways to propel it towards a better future. Reflecting on the past 13 years, we've witnessed a surge in global issues such as the climate crisis, wars, and poverty. It is our hope that people today will listen to the voices of these artists as a catalyst for healing the world and fostering a society where differences are respected. Above all, we must work together to stop destroying the environment of the Earth for the sake of future generations.
Every culture is always shaped by a small number of people who are oppressed and aware, and at times have unreasonable convictions. Such people have found new and universal values in our daily lives.The initiative is related to the fact that the disaster of 3.11 has created a powerful creative resilience through culture and creativity not only in the local ecosystem but also at the regional and national levels, which is now a powerful experience to overcome the recent natural and human-made disasters, such as viruses, wars, climate crises, earthquakes, fluctuations of currencies, expanding disparity and so on.
A well-known difficulty for Japan is that it has been exposed to many natural and human made disasters since its origin. And recently, the democracy that many countries fought and won was brought to Japan. Our ancient values have been evolved with the trends of the times, directly contributing to the development of mankind. However, in the contemporary era, excessive economic dominance poses a grave threat to the natural environment, jeopardizing not only the survival of humanity but also the very existence of our planet.
Nippon AWAKES Institute